Good On Us

When I started Not One-Off Britishisms, nearly three years ago, it was a sort of experiment. In retrospect, I see that I was testing the commonly voiced proposition that the best blogs tend to be about the narrowest topics.

Well, narrow I have been. And while I won’t make any judgments about “best,” NOOBs recently passed the 750,000 page view mark, which is not nothing. (273,894 have come from the U.S. and 257,247 from the U.K.) Beyond the numbers, it’s been greatly rewarding for me. I’ve been able to explore a fun hobby and add infinitesimally to the fount of knowledge, all while never (knowingly) harming anybody. Best of all for me have been the comments, which continually delight and instruct. There are too many examples to name, but just in the past week, in the discussion of Titbits, I learned about the venerable magazine of that name and even heard from someone who’d worked as an editor there in its last days.

In this general air of self-congratulation, I thought I’d pass along some statistics, To start with comments, there have been 3,981 of them, and the most prolific recent commenters are:

  • Hal Hall
  • Martin James
  • IvanOpinion
  • czyrko
  • DW
  • Bren

Thanks, mates.

The most commented entry has been “Arse” with 99 of them, followed by:

European Date Format is the most-read single post, followed by

All that must mean something, but for the life of my I can’t think of what it is. Anyway, thanks again for stopping by. Talk to you again when we reach a million.

9 thoughts on “Good On Us

  1. Congratulations and a hearty well done. Your blog is entertaining, informative, and very helpful to my writerly side. You’ve prevented many ill usages on my part and given me ammunition to respond to hypercritical readers. I hope that you enjoy its writing as much as I enjoy following. Keep it up (always the greatest challenge of any blog).

  2. That’s brilliant, congrats! I love reading your posts, the English language in its varied forms is fascinating and your blog illuminates some of these aspects in a very entertaining way, as the above commenter states. (An Aussie, long-term UK resident, who also edits papers for US-based scholars.)

  3. I love this blog. I would comment more often but I have to keep away unless I have a couple of hours to spare (i.e., not right now). Congratulations on your success, and on the increase in mutual understanding which I am sure you help to foster.

  4. Hal’s made sufficient comments that I’ve noticed them on and off as I’ve been browsing through the archives, and I’m surprised Lynne didn’t make your top six, but I have to admit not having noticed Ivan…

  5. Congratulations! I’ve followed your blog for a long time and enjoying it immensely. Best part for me? Reading how some native English speakers (British and American alike, including others) get it so wrong. Cheers, speaking for English speakers in my neck of the woods – Robert in Hong Kong.

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